Post by Allen Brunsoni was just too burned out on pnews to do much work on it last month.
I'm sorry that I didn't even start the translation yet, but work almost kills
me at the moment and my motivation to do anything productive when I come home
is very close to zero.
Since the development lead complained that he has too much to do (which is was
really true at that time, because he had several projects, but I think at
least one is running out right now) the boss decided in a "brilliant" move
that my position is changed from assistant firmware programmer to sole
firmware programmer - yeah, basically I'm the firmware development *group*
While the former lead is supposed to support me in the take-over, he's
somewhat pissed and I don't really feel like begging for help either...
It doesn't really help that it's shortly before a new version of the firmware
and the Windows software was to be released, so I have to fix these up and I
find even more bugs or at least glitches along the way...
To top it off we also we just had a change in the hardware design, including a
new processor which has lots and lots of bugs. Why nobody noticed these bugs
before I took over totally escapes me...
Yesterday a decision was made to scrap the new processor until it's bug-free
and continue using the old one instead. But that meant I was spending most of
the time yesterday and today fiddling with one firmware to make it fit into
the more limited older processor...
After two days off (and four days being ill at home) for the 2/3 of the year I
worked there, I feel like I need some rest. But I'm not even sure I can risk
taking a few days off between Christmas and New Year, although I still have
18.5 vacation days left...
Sorry for the rant, maybe I should have spent the time working on the
translation instead...